If checked, only a portion of this structure will be visible. All residues of this structure will be visible. All residues of this structure will be visible. Not available because there is no residue in this structure. If checked, all residues of this structure will be visible. Only structure 2 will be visible. If checked, only structure 2 will be visible (when 2 structures are in memory). Only structure 1 will be visible. If checked, only structure 1 will be visible (when 2 structures are in memory). Allows multiple selection. For instance, you can select the first 10 residues of the current structure, then click 'More', then select the last 10: the middle sequence will not be visible. Dialog to save the requested results to the disk. Save the actual writing choice without writing the results now. Will write the steric conflicts of the current structure. If checked, will write the steric conflicts of the current structure. Not available now because steric conflicts have not been looked for. If checked, will write the steric conflicts of the current structure. Will write the secondary structure of the current structure. If checked, will write the secondary structure of the current structure. Not available because secondary structure has not been looked for. If checked, will write the secondary structure of the current structure. Will write the disulfide bridges of the current structure. If checked, will write the disulfide bridges of the current structure. Not available now because current structure doesn't contain any disulfide bonds. If checked, will write the disulfide bridges of the current structure. Will write the ionic bonds of the current structure. If checked, will write the ionic bonds of the current structure. Not available now because I-bonds have not been looked for. If checked, will write the ionic bonds of the current structure. Will write the hydrogen bonds of the current structure. If checked, will write the hydrogen bonds of the current structure. Not available now because H-bonds have not been looked for. If checked, will write the hydrogen bonds of the current structure. Will write the atom torsion angles of the current structure. If checked, will write the atom torsion angles of the current structure. Will write the atom bond angles of the current structure. If checked, will write the atom bond angles of the current structure. Will write the atom bond lengthes of the current structure. If checked, will write the atom bond lengthes of the current structure. Will write the atom occupation and temperature factors of the current structure. If checked, will write the atom occupation and temperature factors of the current structure. Will write the atom charges of the current structure. If checked, will write the atom charges of the current structure. Will write the atom coordinates of the current structure. If checked, will write the atom coordinates of the current structure. Will write the sequence & composition of the current structure. If checked, will write the sequence & composition of the current structure. Will write the requested results into the Report window. Atom clashes during bond rotation will be drawn in the Image window. Check this to visualize atom clashes during bond rotation. Number of points calculated in a Clash Profile (the higher it is, the smoother is the curve). A steric conflict or a clash is considered to be existing if the Lennard-Jones equation result lies above this value. Defines the neighborhood distance. Top & Clash Profiles will nicely fit their windows whatever the Energy Maximum value. Check this to have Top & Clash Profiles nicely fit in their windows. Read water molecules of this structure. Not available because there is no water molecule in this structure. Read water molecules of this structure.